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Questions and answers

Because it hasn't been suggested I can make a suggestion and it has to be accepted. If the owner of the Google account associated with the hotel doesn't accept it then it will not show...posdibly call the staff and inform them if you are so inclined.

Unfortunately I believe the roads would just disintegrate into a fine mist and the streetlights would burst into flames. I just wouldn't want that for your T-Rex. #unicorntacos

Maybe, but I would be leery of monetary fines and tomatoes being thrown at you. I would never do that though. You should consider washing them first.

They are the same as the rest of the hotel, no premium is charged for any unseen guests. I was also informed that room 10 used to be room 9 or visa versa.

Probably. Here's the # to the restaurant....432-386-4205

Try camping in the Chisos Mountains. Lots of spirits.

About 6hrs